Dec 4, 2008

Its a small world

Bill in action during WCIT volunteer training

May 2008, I did register for WCIT 2008 (World Congress on Information Technology) volunteer. Mr. Bill was the moderator for the volunteer intensive course. One day sort of familiarization and motivation for volunteer wannabe.

I did not attend the WCIT program because I choose to come here. Today, I met him during HSE Day, I was the photographer shooting for the event and he gave a talk on Stress Management.

We met again, its a small world.

Yess..he is taller with the shoes, if not I'm the same height with him....ahehehehe...


Sudan-K. Lumpur = 11 000 Km(app)

1 comment:

  1. yes i did agreed with your positive thinking for the benefit of all ...keep it up tho.....
