Jun 28, 2011

Pasal cita cita oram putis cakap ambition or cherished desire

Bla sebut pasal cita cita semua orang akan ingat zaman persekolahan, mesti ingat muka cikgu yang tanya " ok murid murid hari ni cik gu nak tanya apakah cita cita murid murid semua, sila bangun dan bagi tau apa cita cita awak".

Saya suka tengok cerita spy dan cerita polis masa kecik. Saya minat dengan perkataan Diplomat dan kekebalan yang di perolehi oleh diplomat seperti yang di tunjukkan dalam tv. Bila tiba giliran saya maka cita cita saya ialah Diplomat, walaupun saya sebenarnya tak tahu apa itu diplomat.

Kita pon selalu tanya anak anak kita, apa cita cita mereka? Jawapan mereka rupanya lebih baik dari jawapan kita dahulu, anak saya yang pertama nak jadi pakar senjata , yang kedua nak jadi spiderman dan yang ketiga nak jadi doktor princess ( ade ke watak doktor dalam patung Barbie?).

Korang rasa korang memang dapat ke cita cita korang yg dari kecik dulu, korang rasa tepat ke cita cita korang. Penah tak rasa macam tak puashati sebab belum capai cita cita korang?

Kebiasaanya kalau cakap pasal cita cita mesti nak jadi seorang yg berjaya. Berpendapatan tinggi dan dihormati rakan rakan yang lain. Mesti bercita cita untuk menambahkan kuasa dan pengaruh. Kita akan dianggap lemah jikalau tidak berjaya melunaskan hutang cita cita kita. Mesti melakukan yang terbaik, caiyunnnnk macam drama korea.

Setelah beberapa tahun berlalu saya mula mengkaji dan berfikir apakah cita cita saya sebenarnya. Mungkin ramai yg tidak setuju jika saya katakan cita cita saya ialah menjadi hamba, woahhh ini suda terbalik kod, daripada jawatan yang bagus kenapa nak jadi hamba pula. Sebagai seorang islam saya bercita cita nak jadi hamba yang baik kepada tuhan.

Rileks, cita cita bukanya satu dosa jika tidak di teruskan, cita cita boleh berubah ubah. Cita cita tak mestinya satu jer, tak best. Cari la beberapa cita cita yg bagus sebagai motivasi untuk terus berjaya dalam hidup.

Selamat bercita cita kepada semua pembaca.

- Almost on the dot.

Location:Jalan Cta 2,Klia,Malaysia

Jun 25, 2011

Sama jer

Dulu aku fly ke selatan sudan, naik kapal terbang kecik campur campur ngan org sana, selamba jer dorang pakai talipon masa nak take off dan masa nak landing. Aku pon kecut juga mana laa tau kot masa dia pick up call rudder jadi terkonar berubah arah landasan. Huhuhu.

Bulan lepas masa aku balik kota bharu pon sama, ade laa penumpang sebelah aku tetiba jer tipon dia ringging 5 minit sebelum landing kat sultan Ismail Airport, padahal pramugrari dah cakap melayu bagi peringatan suruh matikan tipon masa dalam aircraft. Samada dia tak berapa nak dengar arahan sebab bising ataupon dia lupa dalam poket ade talipon.

Point yang aku nak cakap ialah jangan nak mengata orang afrika tak faham arahan, orang kita pon sama.

Kalau pakai talipon biasa tolong la matikan talipon anda kalau pakai smartfone tolong la activatekan airplane mode.

- Almost on the dot.

Location:Jalan Cta 2,Klia,Malaysia

Jun 12, 2011

Switching the right perception.

It was long yers ago that the old folks kept on comparing a product from US and China. We were teach by our parent that Chinese products are not really good in quality, functional and shape. Nowdays product from People Republic Of Cina seem to flood the market all over the world. I was in Sudan before and saw many Chinese product sold all over the place. Small bags, torch light, plastic ware and textile are made from China imported to Sudan and I believe to other African countries too. Malaysia is having the same scenario with other too, importing cheap stuff from China and flood the market and make a boom in business by selling stuff from Republic of China.

Are we still thinking like before? Comparing a product from China with a product from America or other European countries, between cheap and expensive and brand name. Some people I know will definetely refuse to buy Chinese product because of the quality and lifetime of the product. Some will reject because they just dont like it. We have our own reason to stop buying any product but we are a bit bias in determine our decision

We learned a lot from our ancestor that choosing a good stuff is essential but now few consideration have to be included in our new business model.

Have you ever visit Mc Donald outlet and buying food for your kids and they gave you a nice toys mostly from TV character or famous cartoon series? Have you ever look at the toy your son is playing all day? Have you ever check the toys small stencil written somewhere " Made in China" or " Product of people republic of China". This prove that they have made a good quality product to be given by giant American company.

How many years we have evolve and develop. How many product or good product that Malaysia produce to world. Not to deny we have a few but we are far left by other countries. Manufacturing maybe is not our target because we have oil. Palm oil and crude oil with natural gas.

I got friend doing a business in road making and concrete mixer facilities, telling me that Chinese mini plan is more cheaper than German made. Functional and easy to assemble. To be in business for long is to reduce machinery cost if I'm not mistaken. Chinese are making a lot of things to solve the problem in a very efficient way.

I travel to one of the European country last year and bought something for a souvenir, and it's written " made in china" as well.

We have to admit that Chinese product are good and cheap. We have to admit that they also have strict quality control which passing the stringent requirement of quality.

I'm posting this entry using my iPad written " designed by Apple in California. Assemble in China" using a Chinese based software.

- Almost on the dot.
